File / folder | Description |
img_ps_dir | URL for the PrestaShop image folder. |
img_cat_dir | URL for the categories images folder. |
img_lang_dir | URL for the languages images folder. |
img_prod_dir | URL for the products images folder. |
img_manu_dir | URL for the manufacturers images folder. |
img_sup_dir | URL for the suppliers images folder. |
img_ship_dir | URL for the carriers (shipping) images folder. |
img_dir | URL for the theme’s images folder. |
css_dir | URL for the theme’s CSS folder. |
js_dir | URL for the theme’s JavaScript folder. |
tpl_dir | URL for the current theme’s folder. |
modules_dir | URL the modules folder. |
mail_dir | URL for the mail templates folder. |
pic_dir | URL for the pictures upload folder. |
lang_iso | ISO code for the current language. |
come_from | URL for the visitor’s origin. |
shop_name | Shop name. |
cart_qties | Number of products in the cart. |
cart | The cart. |
currencies | The various available currencies. |
id_currency_cookie | ID of the current currency. |
currency | Currency object (currently used currency). |
cookie | User cookie. |
languages | The various available languages. |
logged | Indicates whether the visitor is logged to a customer account. |
page_name | Page name. |
customerName | Client name (if logged in). |
priceDisplay | Price display method (with or without taxes…). |
roundMode | Rounding method in use. |
use_taxes | Indicates whether taxes are enabled or not. |
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